Refer to how teachers organize and control students’ behavior, movement and interaction during lessons
Classroom control
Time management
The use of teaching space
Managing activity modes
Classroom control
Refer to how teachers manage behavior during lesson
How teachers handle misbehavior among students such as:
as action taken language used when student make an inappropriate movement, refuse to move Whether teacher shout to keep students quite Whether teacher maintain their patience and temper if students misbehave.
Time management
Refer to how teacher manage to follow or adjust the timing so that they can complete their lessons as planned The adjustment includes on the spot decision making, parts being omitted or different part being inserted.
The Use of Teaching Space
Refer to movement of teachers during teaching and during activities
This includes:
What teachers do during activities
Where teachers stand during whole class teaching
Monitoring by teachers during pair work and group work
The balance of teachers’ attention on students: either being biased to certain students or groups or treat all students equally during completing activities
Managing Activity Modes
Refer to teachers’ ability to organize the class quickly and efficiently into pair work or group work
There are 3 stages involved:
Stages 1: Moving students into activities
Stages 2: Monitoring pair & group work
Stages 3: Moving students out of an activitiy